6-25-1 |
Praise the Lord! This morning we offcially hit 500,000 hits. We've reached a half a million people with the good news of Christ, now I've got my sights set on 1,000,000!!! |
-AJ(AJ [at] gmail [dot] cjb [dot] net)
6-27-1 |
I have added a bunch of new stuff to the site. 3 new games! First there's Breakout, then 3d Tic Tac Toe and last there's 3d Space Flight, which isn't really a game, but a cool space flight simulator. Also, we have a few new testimonies. Be sure to check everything out!! |
-AJ(AJ [at] gmail [dot] cjb [dot] net)
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7-31-1 |
C News will now be updated more often! The new feature is News Briefs and is designed to be more like WorthyNews, and WorldNetDaily, so that you can get more news! |
-AJ(AJ [at] gmail [dot] cjb [dot] net)