Here is the archived copy of issue eleven of the C Zine.
::The C Zine::
::750 subscribers and growing!::
::Spontaneous Praise::
Beautiful Lord, wonderful Savior
I know for sure all of my days are
Held in Your hand
Crafted into your perfect plan
::In this issue::
Inspirational Story
Quick tip: Add CIR to your Excite Page!
Lost Now Found
You wanna web?(1 of 4)
The top 10%
Humor Me
Verse of the Week
::Inspirational Story::
::The Silversmith::
Some time ago, a few ladies met in a certain
city to study the scriptures.
While reading the
third chapter of Malachi, they came upon a remarkable
expression in the third verse:
"And He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of
silver (Malachi 3:3)"
One lady proposed to visit a silversmith, and
report to them on what he
said about the subject.
She went accordingly, and without telling the object
of her errand, begged the silversmith to tell her
about the process of
refining silver.
After he had fully described it to her, she asked,
"But Sir, do you sit
while the work of refining is
going on?"
"Oh, yes madam," replied the silversmith;
"I must sit with my eyes steadily
fixed on the furnace,
for if the time necessary for refining be exceeded
in the
slightest degree, the silver will be injured."
The lady at once saw the beauty, and comfort too, of
the expression, "He
shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver."
God sees it needful to
put His children into a furnace; His eye
is steadily intent on the work
of purifying, and His wisdom and
love are both engaged in the best manner
for us. Our trials do
not come at random, and He will not let us be tested
what we can endure.
Before she left, the lady asked one final question,
"When do you know the
process is complete?"
"Why, that is quite simple," replied the silversmith.
"When I can see my
own image in the silver, the refining
process is finished."
-- Author Unknown
That inspirational story was provided by Email Ministry:
Have you accepted Jesus?
::Spontaneous Praise::
This is a church on fire
This is the Holy Spirit flame
We have a burning desire
To lift up Jesus' name
This is a church on fire!
Quick tip: Add CIR to your Excite Page!
(1. Goto
and click "Content"
at the top
(2. Click "More Content" on the box that pops
(3. Clcik "perspectives" on the left and click
Christian Internet Resources on the right
(4. In the box that pops up click "Add this module"
at the bottom!
(5. You're done!
Note, you must be registered at
for a personal start page to be able to do this.
| ::Generation God:: |
| Top 25 Sites Program |
| Award Programs |
| Bible Studies |
| Great Directory |
| Christian Radio Station |
| And Much More! |
| |
::Lost Now Found::
Total souls saved: 12
There is something wrong with that counter!
Sometimes it seems to have bugs, other times
it works perfectly!
Have you accepted Christ as your Savior?
::Spontaneous Praise::
All of Heaven's waiting
Power is on its way
So we shout halleljuh
Lifting to You a mighty roar of praise!
::You wanna web?::
First in Four Part Series - "So you wanna webpage?" has gone under!
has consolidated it's facilities
in an effort
to stop bleeding 110,000 dollars everyday they are
in business. The internet giants are falling
one by one to a messy third
quarter earnings
expectation grave. What does this mean for someone like
who wants to make their first webpage? Absolutely squat!
In the next four articles we will go
through what it takes to Get a
domain name, get a host,
build a web page, post it online, and finally
it searchable to the rest of the world.
Well, the easy way out for me would be to
tell you to go to geocites,
get the free space, use the
template publisher, and make your site. There
nothing wrong with that, Geocities (before it was
Yahoo owned) was the
birth place of my first web
site, the ugliest, most over animated, content
spot on the web! But that was ok, because it was a
personal page. I had
400 hits and 380 were mine. I
won't go into using a site like Geocities
it is so documented that you could get lost in
"How-to's" for days. We
will first start with getting
that all important dot-com name.
REGISTERING A DOMAIN NAME: In order to have a dot-com
name you must
register it with InterNIC whose job it is
to keep track of the dot-anythingmadness!
It use to cost
35 dollars a year and you had to buy it in two year
chunks, however, now you can go to a place
like and
solidify a domain name
for 14.99 per year, for as few as one years ownership,
as many as ten. The trick is to get a domain name that is
not only
relatively easy to remember, but that has
some connection with the content
of your site. Remember
that the .com tag may be the most desirable,but
it is not
the be all end all if you find what you want isn't available.
Try .net or .org or even .au for that matter.
There are dozens of tags
with even more on the way!
FIND A HOST: This one is relatively easy. Go to
someone like
and either sign-up online or
contact their sales staff. Your average cost
20 dollars a month for them to actually rent you the
space on their servers
where you will be uploading your
content. There are cheaper hosts out there,
so do some searching under "web host" in a search engine,
but ValueWeb
is a good host and you don't have to fear
your renting space off some over-upgraded
P133mhz computer
running Unix in some guys basement. Spend the
extra couple bucks and get yourself some
super tech support, by golly you've
earned it!
MAKE A WEBPAGE: This will be the final section
of this installment. To
make a webpage you need a webpage
creation program (unless you all of a
sudden develop a super
talent for writing raw HTML) and here once again
money will
come into play. There are free template
editors that a lot of these hosts
have, or that can be
downloaded of the net for free. However, if you've
for everything else I imagine your looking for something
more substantial.
Some of the more mainstream products out
there are Microsoft's FrontPage2000
and Adobe's GoLive!, both of
which have template features for the novice
users, as well
as scripting flexibility for the more experienced. There
more out there then just these two programs, but you get
the idea. The
price of these programs runs about 130-150
dollars, well worth it if you
plan on
sticking with making web sites or updating your current one.
Next time we will get into content creation.
Until then have fun and
praise the Lord with your every action and intention!
CWC Christian Web Coalition -
JCWorks Ministry -
Jay Downes
Jay not only wrote that article he also
recently started the Christian
Web Coalition
which can be seen at:
Hits In Site Name Url
238 Charlottes Web
226 Heavenly
218 Generation God
204 E-Mail Ministry
172 Deliverance Ministries
Note: these were the stats as of exactly 9:18am
Mountain Time(3-16-1).
To add your site to the top50 goto:
::Spontaneous Praise::
We want to see Jesus lifted high
A banner that flies across this land
That all men might see the truth and know
He is the only way to Heaven!
::Humor Me::
::Back Seat Kicker::
Martin has just received his brand new driver's
license. The family troops
out to the driveway,
and climbs in the car, where he is going to take
them for a ride for the first time. Dad immediately
heads for the back
seat, directly behind the
newly minted driver.
"I'll bet you're back there to get a change of
scenery after all those
months of sitting in the
front passenger seat teaching me how to drive,"
says the beaming boy to
his father.
"Nope," comes Dad's reply, "I'm gonna sit
here and kick the back of your
seat as you drive,
just like you've been doing to me all these years."
You can read more great jokes online at:
::Spontaneous Praise::
Take me, mold me
Use me, fill me
I give my life to the Potter's hands
Call me, guide me
Lead me, walk beside me
I give my life to the Potter's hands!
::Verse of the Week::
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the
counsel of the ungodly, nor
standeth in the
way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of
-Psalms 1:1
Add the free random Bible verse to your site!
::Spontaneous Praise::
We come into Your presence with singing
Come into Your presence with praise
And enter Your gates with thankful hearts
We are going to celebrate!
::Jesus Christ::
Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal
savior? Do feel like something
is missing
in your life? Do you feel like there is
no point to life, you have
nothing to live
for? Are you worried about your future?
You don't have to read horoscopes, or call
a psychic hotline to be comforted of your
future. Instead, GOD loves
you. And He
wants only the best for you. He knows
you inside and
out, even if you don't know
Him. He loves you unconditionally, no strings
are attached to His love. He loves you so
much that He died for you. He did it so
that you and I could spend
all eternity
with Him. Do you have Him as your savior?
He didn't say that we would have all the
luxuries of this world, He
did say that He
would provide for us, if only we seek Him.
Do you have this wonderful gift called
Salvation? If you don't, it's
easy to get,
just ask Him you want it. Commit your life
to Him, and He will greatly
reward you.
Will you pray?
"Lord Jesus, I admit I am a sinner. I need forgiveness.
I am sorry
for my sins and I don't want to sin against You
anymore. I believe You
are the Son of God and You died on
the cross for MY sins. I also believe
that you rose from the dead
so that I, too, may have victory over the grave.
Please forgive me
now Lord and cleanse me. Come into my heart and give
me a new
life. Thank You, Jesus, for shedding your blood for me and for
and answering my prayer. Amen"
If you've just prayed
that, you are a Child
of GOD. Think about that! A child of the
Creator of the Universe. It's a humbling
experience. If you have anything you
want to know about your new life
with Christ,
or if you're still not sure about all this,
please do not hesitate to email me,
::Spontaneous Praise::
Do you feel the darkness tremble
When all the saints join in one song
And all the streams flow as one river
To wash away a broken mess
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::Spontaneous Praise::
We want to see
We want to see
We want to see Jesus lifted
An official Christian Internet Resources ezine!
Accept no substitutes!
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 |  | I lived my life with reckless abandon, like there would be, no tomorrow. I lived life on the edge, engaging death as a playmate. If death came, then that too, I'd hoped in it's finality, would be the ultimate experience I craved. Maybe in death, I could finally realize the meaning of life.
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