Here is the archived copy of issue twelve of the C Zine.
::The C Zine::
::800 subscribers and growing!::
::Spontaneous Praise::
Shout to the Lord
the earth let us sing
Power and Majesty praise to the King
Mountains will bow down
And the seas will roar
At the sound of Your name!
::In this issue::
An update!
Inspirational Story
Lost Now Found
Humor Me
Verse of the Week
::An update!::
Yes, an update! It's rare, so enjoy the tasty
flavor it leaves in your mouth while it is here :)
Take a look at the CIR main page( )
there's a cool looking header on it whith a few
links. While you're there click "the c zine"
there's a surprise....
I can't keep a secret :) , it's a logo! I finally
decided to give the C Zine one.
Much to my surprise there are *many* cheaters
on the top50. Christian Internet Resources
was designed to unite Believers together in the
name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Unfortuneatly the top50 seems to be doing the opposite.
We will be totally impartial in taking the steps
to keep cheaters out of this program. That means
that ANY site, small or large, will have action
taken against them to stop cheating. You are
welcome to stop by and signup your site, but
you're not welcome to cheat. This policy
ultimatly benefits every site that's not cheating.
Add your site here:
::Inspirational Story::
::Whose Hands?::
A basketball in my hands is worth about $19.
A basketball in Michael Jordan's hands is worth about $33 million.
It depends whose hands it's in.
A baseball in my hands is worth about $6.
A baseball in Mark Mcquire's hands is worth $19 million.
It depends whose hands it's in.
A tennis racket is useless in my hands.
A tennis racket in Pete Sampras' hands is a Wimbledon Championship.
It depends whose hands it's in.
A rod in my hands will keep away a wild animal.
A rod in Moses' hands will part the mighty sea.
It depends whose hands it's in.
A sling shot in my hands is a kid's toy.
A sling shot in David's hand is a mighty weapon.
It depends whose hands it's in.
Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in my hands is a couple of fish sandwiches.
Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in God's hands will feed thousands.
It depends whose hands it's in.
Nails in my hands might produce a birdhouse.
Nails in Jesus Christ's hands will rescue the entire world.
It depends whose hands it's in.
As you see now it depends whose hands it's in.
So put your concerns, your
worries, your fears,
your hopes, your dreams, your families and your
in God's hands because,
It depends whose hands it's in!
-- Author Unknown
Have you accepted Jesus?
::Spontaneous Praise::
Celebrate Jesus Celebrate
Celebrate Jesus Celebrate
Celebrate Jesus Celebrate!
| ::Generation God:: |
| Top 25 Sites Program |
| Award Programs |
| Bible Studies |
| Great Directory |
| Christian Radio Station |
| And Much More! |
| |
::Lost Now Found::
Total souls saved: 14
This is awesome! 2 more in one week! Do I
hear a "Praise Jesus!"?(even more effective if
you're working in a cubicle :) )
Have you accepted Christ as your Savior?
::Spontaneous Praise::
God is in control
We believe that His children won't be forsaken
God is in control
We will chose to remember and won't be shaken
God is in control!
::Spontaneous Praise::
Watching over you
Watching over me
Every little sparrow
Every little thing
God is in control!
::Humor Me::
::Amish computer virus::
Warning.....You have just received the Amish
Computer Virus. Because we
don't use electricity,
we don't have any computers or programming experience,
so this virus works on the Honor system. Please delete all
the files
from your hard drive,and then manually forward this
Virus to everyone
on your mailing list. Thank you for your cooperation
and.....may God bless
you, you English heathens.
Noha Graber
The Amish Computer Engineering Department.
You can read more great jokes online at:
::Spontaneous Praise::
There is one thing that has allways been true
One thing that holds the world together
God is in Control!
There is no power above or beside Him
God is in control!
::Verse of the Week::
It is good to give thanks to the LORD, and to
sing praises to your name,
O Most High;
-Psalm 92:1[NKJV]
Add the free random Bible verse to your site!
::Spontaneous Praise::
Watching over you
Watching over me
Watching over every thing
Watching over you
Watching over me
Watching over every sparrow
Watching over every little thing
God is in control!
::Jesus Christ::
Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal
savior? Do feel like something
is missing
in your life? Do you feel like there is
no point to life, you have
nothing to live
for? Are you worried about your future?
You don't have to read horoscopes, or call
a psychic hotline to be comforted of your
future. Instead, GOD loves
you. And He
wants only the best for you. He knows
you inside and
out, even if you don't know
Him. He loves you unconditionally, no strings
are attached to His love. He loves you so
much that He died for you. He did it so
that you and I could spend
all eternity
with Him. Do you have Him as your savior?
He didn't say that we would have all the
luxuries of this world, He
did say that He
would provide for us, if only we seek Him.
Do you have this wonderful gift called
Salvation? If you don't, it's
easy to get,
just ask Him you want it. Commit your life
to Him, and He will greatly
reward you.
Will you pray?
"Lord Jesus, I admit I am a sinner. I need forgiveness.
I am sorry
for my sins and I don't want to sin against You
anymore. I believe You
are the Son of God and You died on
the cross for MY sins. I also believe
that you rose from the dead
so that I, too, may have victory over the grave.
Please forgive me
now Lord and cleanse me. Come into my heart and give
me a new
life. Thank You, Jesus, for shedding your blood for me and for
and answering my prayer. Amen"
If you've just prayed
that, you are a Child
of GOD. Think about that! A child of the
Creator of the Universe. It's a humbling
experience. If you have anything you
want to know about your new life
with Christ,
or if you're still not sure about all this,
please do not hesitate to email me,
::Spontaneous Praise::
Do you feel the darkness tremble
When all the saints join in one song
And all the streams flow as one river
To wash away a broken mess
Thank you for reading our ezine. You may
forward this to friends and
family, all we
ask is that you do so in it's entirety.
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An official Christian Internet Resources ezine!
Accept no substitutes!
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 |  | I lived my life with reckless abandon, like there would be, no tomorrow. I lived life on the edge, engaging death as a playmate. If death came, then that too, I'd hoped in it's finality, would be the ultimate experience I craved. Maybe in death, I could finally realize the meaning of life.
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