Here is the archived copy of issue sixteen of the C Zine.
Welcome to this issue of the C Zine!
Sit back and relax, enjoy yet another jam
issue of the C Zine!
::Spontaneous Praise::
God is in the house
There is no doubt
God is in the house
Can't keep Him out
As for you
As for me
We're gonna serve the Lord!
::In this issue::
Inspirational Story
Lost Now Found
Humor Me
Verse of the Week
I have been energized and moved in the Holy
Spirit ever since Easter.(Even
before then!)
This morning I checked my mail and someone
emailed me saying that he accepted Christ
as his savior! That brings the grand total
to 18! 18! Think about that! I love it
to see so many people
find the truth! And
through me! That makes everything bad about
webmastering seem so sweet. Unless you are
in the same room with me, you won't know how
much I want to let out a "Halleljah" so here
it goes:
Halleljah! Halleljah! Halleljah! Halleljah!
Enjoy the zine!
::Spontaneous Praise::
When I am weak You make me strong
When I am poor I know I am rich
For in the power of Your name
::Jesus Christ::
Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal
savior? Do feel like something
is missing
in your life? Do you feel like there is
no point to life, you have
nothing to live
for? Are you worried about your future?
You don't have to read horoscopes, or call
a psychic hotline to be comforted of your
future. Instead, GOD loves
you. And He
wants only the best for you. He knows
you inside and
out, even if you don't know
Him. He loves you unconditionally, no strings
are attached to His love. He loves you so
much that He died for you. He did it so
that you and I could spend
all eternity
with Him. Do you have Him as your savior?
He didn't say that we would have all the
luxuries of this world, He
did say that He
would provide for us, if only we seek Him.
Do you have this wonderful gift called
Salvation? If you don't, it's
easy to get,
just ask Him you want it. Commit your life
to Him, and He will greatly
reward you.
Will you pray?
"Lord Jesus, I admit I am a sinner. I need forgiveness.
I am sorry
for my sins and I don't want to sin against You
anymore. I believe You
are the Son of God and You died on
the cross for MY sins. I also believe
that you rose from the dead
so that I, too, may have victory over the grave.
Please forgive me
now Lord and cleanse me. Come into my heart and give
me a new
life. Thank You, Jesus, for shedding your blood for me and for
and answering my prayer. Amen"
If you've just prayed
that, you are a Child
of GOD. Think about that! A child of the
Creator of the Universe. It's a humbling
experience. If you have anything you
want to know about your new life
with Christ,
or if you're still not sure about all this,
please do not hesitate to email me.(just hit
the reply button)
::Inspirational Story::
::The night before Jesus came::
'Twas the Night before Jesus came and all through
the house not a Creature
was praying, not one
in the house. Their Bibles were lain on the shelf
without care, in hopes that JESUS would not come
The children were dressing to crawl into bed,
not once ever kneeling or
bowing a head. Mom in
her rocker with the baby on her lap was watching
late show while I took a nap.
When what to my wondering eyes sould appeared
but angels proclaiming that
Jesus was here!!
With a light like the sun sending forth a bright ray
I knew in a moment this must be the day!!
The light of his face made me cover my head,
it was Jesus returning just
like he said! And though
I possed worldly wisdom and wealth I cried when
saw Him in spite of myself.
In the book of LIFE wich he held in his hands was
written the name of every
saved man. He spoke not a
word as He searched for my name
When He said "It's not here" my head hung in shame.
The people whoose names had been written with love,
He gathered to take
to his Father above. With those
who were ready He rose with a shout!!
While all the
rest were left lying about.
I fell to my knees, but it was too late! I had waited
too long and thus
sealed my fate. I cried and
then died as they rose out of sight:
Oh, if only I had been ready tonight!
In the words of this poem the meaning is clear:
The coming of Jesus is
drawing near!!
There's only one life and when comes the last call,
find that the Bible was true after all!!
Don't want to be left behind?
::Generation God::
Top 25 Sites Program
Cool Award Programs
Bible Studies
Great Directory
Great ezine
And much more!
::Lost Now Found::
Total souls saved: 18
When I say I'm callin' in the expert(God) I'm
not joking! 4 people in the last week! God
has no doubt been moving. Halleljah! Say it
with me, Halleljah! Halleljah! Halleljah!
May God bless and lead those 4 people that
have made this important decision this
last week.
Have you accepted Christ as your Savior?
::Spontaneous Praise::
Amazing love, how can it be
That You, my King, would die for me?
Amazing love, I know it's true
It's my joy to honor you
::Humor Me::
::Famous Last Words::
** I'll get a world record for this.
** It's fireproof.
** He's probably just hibernating.
** What does this button do?
** I'm making a citizen's arrest.
** So, you're a cannibal.
** It's probably just a rash.
** Are you sure the power is off?
** Yeah, I made the deciding vote on the jury,
so what of it?
** The odds of that happening have to be a
million to one!
** Pull the pin and count to what?
** Which wire was I supposed to cut?
** I wonder where the mother bear is.
** I've seen this done on TV.
** These are the good kind of mushrooms.
** I'll hold it, and you light the fuse.
** Let it down slowly.
** Rat poison only kills rats.
** Just take whatever you want, this is a ghost
** It's strong enough for both of us.
** This doesn't taste right.
** I can make this light before it changes.
** Nice doggie.
** I can do that with my eyes closed.
** I've done this before.
** Trust me
** Well, we've made it this far.
** That's odd.
** You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses on,
would you?
** Don't be so superstitious.
** Now watch this.
** What duck?
You can read more great jokes online at:
::Spontaneous Praise::
Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere
::Verse of the Week::
"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no
longer I who live, but Christ
lives in me;
and the life which I now live in the flesh
I live
by faith in the Son of God, who
loved me and gave Himself for me."
-Galatians 2:20
Add the free random Bible verse to your site!
::Spontaneous Praise::
We come into Your presence with singing
Come into Your presence with praise
And enter Your gates with thankful hearts
We are going to celebrate!
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::Spontaneous Praise::
We want to see
We want to see
We want to see Jesus lifted high!
An official Christian Internet Resources ezine!
Accept no substitutes!
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 |  | I lived my life with reckless abandon, like there would be, no tomorrow. I lived life on the edge, engaging death as a playmate. If death came, then that too, I'd hoped in it's finality, would be the ultimate experience I craved. Maybe in death, I could finally realize the meaning of life.
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