Here is the archived copy of issue eightteen of the C Zine.
Welcome to this issue of the C Zine!
::In this issue::
National Day of Prayer
Inspirational Story
His Story
Lost Now Found
You wanna web?(Part 4 of 4)
Humor Me
Verse of the Week
Quote of the week
Looking ahead...
::Spontaneous Praise::
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Than thousands elsewhere
Welcome to the C Zine! Well, this is the day
after a great holiday! That's right, yesterday
was the first Thursday in the month of May,
that means that yesterday was the National
Day of Prayer. Check it out below! Also
be sure to read the History of CIR, that's
between the Inspirational Story, and the
Lost Now Found!
Enjoy the zine!
::Spontaneous Praise::
When I am weak You make me strong
When I am poor I know I am rich
For in the power of Your name
::National Day of Prayer::
Our Father and Our God,
We praise You for Your goodness to our nation,
giving us blessings far
beyond what we deserve.
Yet we know all is not right with America. We
deeply need a moral and spiritual renewal to
help us meet the many problems
we face. Convict
us of sin. Help us to turn to You in repentance
and faith.
Set our feet on the path of Your
righteousness and peace. We pray today
for our
nation's leaders. Give them the wisdom to know
what is right,
and the courage to do it. You have
said, "Blessed is the nation whose God
is the Lord."
May this be a new era for America, as we humble
and acknowledge You alone as our Savior
and Lord.
This we pray in Your holy name, Amen.
Prayer written by Billy Graham, honorary
chairman for the 2001 National
Day of Prayer.
Have you accepted Christ?
::Inspirational Story::
::The Fishing Pole::
Howard County Sheriff Jerry Marr got a disturbing
call one Saturday afternoon
a few months ago.
His 6-year-old grandson Mikey had been hit by a
while fishing in Greentown with his dad. The
father and son were near a
bridge by the Kokomo
Reservoir when a woman lost control of her car,
off the bridge, and hit Mickey at a rate
of about 50 mph.
Sheriff Marr had seen the results of accidents
like his and feared the
worst. When he got to
Saint Joseph Hospital, he rushed through the
room to find Mikey conscious and in
fairly good spirits.
Mikey, what happened?" Sheriff Marr asked. Mikey
replied, "Well, Papaw,
I was fishin' with Dad,
and some lady runned me over, I flew into a mud
puddle, and broke my fishin' pole and I didn't
get to catch no fish!"
As it turned out, the impact propelled Mikey
about 500 feet, over a few
trees and an embankment
and in the middle of a mud puddle. His only injuries
were to his right femur bone which had broken in two places.
Mikey had surgery to place pins in his leg.
Otherwise the boy is fine.
Since all the boy could
talk about was that his fishing pole was broken,
the Sheriff went out to Wal-mart and bought him a
new one while he was
in surgery so he could have it
when he came out.
The next day the Sheriff sat with Mikey to keep him
company in the hospital.
Mikey was enjoying his new
fishing pole and talked about when he could
go fishing
again as he cast into the trash can. When they were
Mikey said, "Papaw, did you know Jesus is real?"
"Well," the Sheriff replied, a little startled.
"Yes, Jesus is real to
all who believe in him and
love him in their hearts."
"No," said Mikey. "I mean Jesus is REALLY real."
"What do you mean?" asked the Sheriff.
"I know He's real 'cause I saw Him."
said Mikey,
still casting into the trash can.
"You did?" said the Sheriff.
"Yep," said Mikey. "When that lady runned me over
and broke my fishing
pole, Jesus caught me in His
arms and laid me down in the mud puddle."
Have you accepted Christ?
Welcome to this edition of the C Zine!
I am glad you're here, and we're coming up on
a very important day in the
Christian Internet
Resources history books. Our 2nd anniversary!
in this article you'll read what I wanted
CIR to be, and what God has shaped
it into.
I am sure you'll find that CIR is totally
different than what
I planned, but for the
The day it all started, June 2nd, 1999.
Oh boy do I remember that day as if it
happened this afternoon!
Maybe, I went overboard on the caption, because
the name "Christian Internet
Resources" I came
up with sometime around the week of May 20th. In
that name meant something different to me than
it does today, it was named
Christian Internet
Resources because it was going to be a resource for
Christian webmasters.(hence "Internet") Today it
means, to me at least,
a portal for Christians with
a plethera of resources. Anyway, I remember
reading some old files a few months ago(I seem to
have lost them now) of
the news section of CIR
(originally on the main page) that I actually had
CIR online May 28th, but the reason June 2nd is
counted as the official
opening day is because that's
when I got my approval email from God's Counter(a
hit counter, by the way, but went down over a
year ago with no explanation).
After that, I
entered into the logs that CIR was started June
2nd, just
to be dis-proven when I uncovered those
documents a few months ago.(I may
think I remember
that day perfectly clear, but my memory really stinks)
Why it all started.
Look at cir right now, .
Now guess why I originally
started it.
All done? I'll continue with or without you. :)
Anywhos, this may be a
total shocker to you(unless
you read the above paragraph) but it was started(or
should I say founded...) as a password protected
resource for Christian
webmasters. Didn't expect
that? It's true! Some of the resources I wanted
do were free guestbooks, and counters. But the Lord
has lead me away
from that into more evangelisim,
and I'm lovin' it!
The message.
The current get saved page has not changed much
since it was originally
put in place, way back
2 years ago. It has been the heart of CIR, and
the reason for Satanic attack. With it we have
helped lead 18 people to
Christ, all since November
of 2000.
Ah yes, Genesis. Boy does that bring back memories!
Around August '99
I launched the idea of Genesis.
Genesis was to be what CIR is, except
it would have a
directory & radio station. It was a good dream, but
which the Lord wouldn't let it be more than that.
Christmas of 99
It Christmas eve and all through out the house,
not a creature was...
sorry, couldn't think of anything
creative :) CIR used to be hosted by
Spaceports, still
an excellent host, and they decided to give us a Christmas
present! A server upgrade was done just before Christmas,
but somebody
forgot to turn on the ssi!(the entire CIR
site runs on ssi) Picture it,
it's Christmas eve, someone
asked to see my site. So everybody sat in
front of
the computer screen waiting for the page to load. Well,
to my surprise, the entire site ssi calls were
ignored, my fancy page design
wouldn't load! That was fun!
:( After I got home, I got to the support
pages and they
basically said that they weren't turning ssi back on. A
fter looking for several hosts with ssi, I remembered that
I had a Tripod
account and that they support ssi! The rest is history...
The Message Board Switch of 2000
I used to use an old message board provider without much
power. I wanted
something more, so I found and
made the change. Somewhere
in the middle of January(you
know, when everyone was still talking about
Y2K) we switched.
And you know something? The message board is about as
active today as it was then. ;)
G Mail
Ah yes, G Mail! I love that email! G Mail was started
around January(I'm
not positive at what the date was,
but it was between Jan and Feb) and
the design hasn't
changed once.(why tamper with perfection? :) ) One of
the features I personally love is the fact that we put
a Bible verse at
the end of your emails.
Check it out @
Everyone should remember this(unless you're new here),
it happened only
a few weeks ago. I found this great host,
GCSNet, that provided great features.
fast servers and
everything else you could want. Everything I needed, and
still do, to keep CIR growing. Well, after changing millions
of links to
the new server(if felt like millions anyway) I
got everything changed to
the new server. 2 days after I signed
up, with no warning of anykind, they
went down. So I took it
back to Tripod, spent another bizillion hours
changing the
gagillion links BACK. And, we're still here!
I hope you have enjoyed reading the history of CIR, this
story is more
of HIS Story than anything else. Because,
ever since day one, I have wanted
Him glorified and honored
with everything I do, and I look forward to the
next two
years of His direction and assurance. His promise, and
His gospel
being spread throughout the world.
---->Spontaneous Praise
Hallelujah, Jesus is alive!
Death has lost it's victory
And the grave has been denied!
The curse of sin is broken
And we have perfect liberty!
He's alive! He's alive!
Spontaneous Praise<----
::Lost Now Found::
Total souls saved: 18
So far, no one has been saved(to the best of
my, knowledge, anyway) since two weeks ago!
I think we need to call in the expert(God)
Have you accepted Christ as your Savior?
::You wanna web?::
Four in Four Part Series-"So you wanna webpage?"
We discussed in the part three of our series "So
you wanna webpage?", the free resources
available to webmasters for "beefing
up" their
site. Now we need to figure out how to get people
to your site and how to keep them there. There
is nothing more frustrating
to a webmaster than spending
hundreds of hours of work just to find that your
the only one visiting
your site. In this article
we will try to briefly cover search engines,
contact relations,
promotions, and traffic building.
SEARCH ENGINES- This topic will only be briefly touched
upon due to the
overwhelming availability of search
engine information online. Search engines
are not
necessary to generate web traffic, however, to those lucky
few that have top 10 positions with relevant key words,
the traffic those
searches can generate is huge.
I recommend submitting your site to the
engines to get listed, making sure you have meta tags
some search engines use to search your site)
and then leaving it alone.
Unless you use a search engine
positioning service (a service that streamlines
site so that you move up in search engine rank) you
will find that your
site is buried in the rank
stratosphere and serves little purpose in even
listed. It is said that if your site doesn't come up
listed on the first
page of search results than
more than 90% of searchers won't even see it.
CONTACT RELATIONS- Interaction with others in
your area of interest (in
this case, the Lord) is a
very successful way to increase traffic. By going
to others sites and posting your links, offering to post
their link on
your site, or opening up a basic dialog,
is a great way to open your site
to a
new cross section of visitors. If you find a site
of equal traffic, or
lesser if you feel generous,
you may be able to work out a partnership
sites with the hopes of sharing traffic and possibly
the number of surfers you expose your
site to. Basically you want to make
friends with
other webmasters. If you write poems (or any other type of
content) submit some of your content to larger
sites (content is king,
sites always want more
no matter what size), just make sure you can add
a link
your own site at the end of your piece (that's key).
PROMOTIONS- These can generate a good amount of
traffic. In general you
just need to be creative with
this one. Here are a few promotions that
will generate traffic.
Site awards work well, just make sure the site award
graphic you give out is professional, pleasing to the eye,
quick to load,
people vote for topsites is also a
great way to increase
traffic, however, unless you plan to do a lot of
you will need a script to log topsite votes.
Having a give away can work,
buy one CD then have
people answer a question, or submit an entry that
be chosen randomly. Basically think to yourself, what
could I do that will
have people return to my site after
their first visit as well as entice
visitors to my site? Promotions can do both of those
things. Just put yourself
in your visitors place
and say "what would I want to win?", is it
an award, a CD, a book? Make a choice that
goes well with the interests
your visitors (If your visitors are interested
in your site than you probably
share similar interests).
TRAFFIC BUILDING- Traffic building encompasses
promotions, search engine
usage, and contact
relations. The most important thing to remember is making
sure you have the content and tools available at your
site to keep people
coming back. All this work will
be for nothing if your visitor surfs your
site once
and never returns. Use the free tools discussed in part three
this series to entice your visitors to return.
Offer free email, so that
your users will come
back to your site every time they want to check their
email. Set up forums or chat rooms so that you
can start building a community.
All of these equal
loyal visitors, the best kind of visitors.
Remember always that you must be patient and
persistent. Traffic does not
appear over night.
It can take months to build a small steady stream of
surfers. Don't get frustrated.
Be sure to remember that your site is to glorify
the Lord. All energy,
effort, and time spent to
glorify Him will be returned to you 1000 times
when you
face your Creator. If you are willing to be used for
His purpose
then He will use you to His glory, but always
remember the site is not
for you but for the Lord.
Have pride in the work you do for the Lord and
not the
work itself. Remembering that will make your
experience as a webmaster
an edifying one no
matter what the results.
Blessings to all in Christ Jesus our Lord,
and may His grace inspire us
all to keep our eyes
fixed upon the Heavens.
CWC Christian Web Coalition -
JCWorks Ministry -
60% off webdesign! -
Jay Downes
::Spontaneous Praise::
Amazing love, how can it be
That You, my King, would die for me?
Amazing love, I know it's true
It's my joy to honor you
::Humor Me::
::Too Much Coffee?::
You know you're drinking too much coffee when...
you answer the door before people knock.
Juan Valdez named his donkey
after you.
you ski uphill.
you grind your coffee beans in your mouth.
you haven't blinked since the last lunar eclipse.
you lick your coffeepot
your eyes stay open when you sneeze.
you chew on other people's
your T-shirt says, "Decaffeinated coffee is the
devil's blend."
you can type 60 words per minute ... with your feet.
you can jump-start your car without cables.
all your kids are named "Joe."
you don't need a hammer to pound nails.
your only source of nutrition
comes from
"Sweet & Low."
you don't sweat, you percolate.
you buy Half
& Half by the barrel.
you've worn out the handle on your favorite mug.
you forget to unwrap
candy bars before eating them.
you've built a miniature city out of little
plastic stirrers.
people get dizzy just watching you.
you've worn the
finish off your coffee table.
the Taster's Choice couple wants to adopt
Starbucks owns the mortgage on your house.
your taste buds are
so numb you could drink your lava lamp.
instant coffee takes too long.
your birthday is a national holiday in Brazil.
you have a picture of your
coffee mug on your coffee mug.
you short out motion detectors.
you don't
even wait for the water to boil anymore.
your nervous twitch registers
on the Richter scale.
you think being called a "drip" is a compliment.
you don't tan, you roast.
you can't even remember your second cup.
help your dog chase its tail.
You can read more great jokes online at:
::Jesus Christ::
Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal
savior? Do feel like something
is missing
in your life? Do you feel like there is
no point to life, you have
nothing to live
for? Are you worried about your future?
You don't have to read horoscopes, or call
a psychic hotline to be comforted of your
future. Instead, GOD loves
you. And He
wants only the best for you. He knows
you inside and
out, even if you don't know
Him. He loves you unconditionally, no strings
are attached to His love. He loves you so
much that He died for you. He did it so
that you and I could spend
all eternity
with Him. Do you have Him as your savior?
He didn't say that we would have all the
luxuries of this world, He
did say that He
would provide for us, if only we seek Him.
Do you have this wonderful gift called
Salvation? If you don't, it's
easy to get,
just ask Him you want it. Commit your life
to Him, and He will greatly
reward you.
Will you pray?
"Lord Jesus, I admit I am a sinner. I need forgiveness.
I am sorry
for my sins and I don't want to sin against You
anymore. I believe You
are the Son of God and You died on
the cross for MY sins. I also believe
that you rose from the dead
so that I, too, may have victory over the grave.
Please forgive me
now Lord and cleanse me. Come into my heart and give
me a new
life. Thank You, Jesus, for shedding your blood for me and for
and answering my prayer. Amen"
If you've just prayed
that, you are a Child
of GOD. Think about that! A child of the
Creator of the Universe. It's a humbling
experience. If you have anything you
want to know about your new life
with Christ,
or if you're still not sure about all this,
please do not hesitate to email me.(just hit
the reply button)
::Spontaneous Praise::
God is in the house
There is no doubt
God is in the house
Can't keep Him out
As for you
As for me
We're gonna serve the Lord!
::Verse of the Week::
"...For I[Jesus] will give you a mouth and wisdom,
which all your adversaries
shall not
gainsay nor resist..."
-Luke 21:15
Add the free random Bible verse to your site!
::Spontaneous Praise::
We come into Your presence with singing
Come into Your presence with praise
And enter Your gates with thankful hearts
We are going to celebrate!
::Quote of the Week::
Christianity is more than a crutch,
it is a life-support system
-Dave Busby
::Looking ahead...::
Coming soon to an inbox near you:
-More on 'Bornagain'
-More great quotes, jokes, & stories!
-More fun!
See you then!
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::Spontaneous Praise::
I'm forgiven because You were forsaken
I am accepted, You were condemned
I'm alive and well
Your Spirit is within me
Because You died and rose again
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 |  | I lived my life with reckless abandon, like there would be, no tomorrow. I lived life on the edge, engaging death as a playmate. If death came, then that too, I'd hoped in it's finality, would be the ultimate experience I craved. Maybe in death, I could finally realize the meaning of life.
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