Here is an archived copy of the C Zine.
.:The C Zine:.
Who else?
.:Prime Zine:.
Inspirational Story
Lost Now Found
Humor Me
Well, this week has been a week of records.
The C Zine subscription rate went past 1,300,
and our hit counter measured that we have
reached a half million people! Hurrah! :)
Also, we asked for testimonies and you gave
us testimonies! We got 4 new testimonies
this week of what God has done in many
people's lives. If you haven't done
so yet, submit your testimony today!
Also, you may have noticed that G Mail
(soon to be Genesis Mail,
has been infested with ads. That's what
our host has done, and we plan on leaving
that host. If you link to then
you will not have to update your links, other
wise you will.
Enjoy the zine!
.:Inspirational Story:.
.:Request for Transfer:.
TO: Commander and Chief Spiritual Armed Forces,
Jesus Christ
Dear Lord;
I am writing this to You to request a transfer
to a desk job. I herewith
present my reasons:
I began my career as a private, because of the
intensity of the battle You have quickly moved
me up in the ranks. You
have made me an officer
and given me a tremendous amount of responsibility.
There are many soldiers and recruits under my charge. I
am constantly being called upon to dispense
wisdom, make judgments, and
find solutions to
complex problems. You have placed me in a position to
function as an officer, when in my heart I know I
have only the skills
of a private. I realize
that You have promised to supply all I would
need for the battle. But Sir, I must present You a
realistic picture of
my equipment. My uniform,
once so crisp and starched, is now stained
with tears and blood of those I have tried to
assist. The soles of my boots
are cracked and
worn from the miles I have walked trying to enlist
and encourage the instructed troops. My weapons are
marred, tarnished and
chipped from constant battle
against the enemy. Even the Book of Regulations
I was issued has been torn and tattered from endless use.
The words are now smeared. You have promised You
would be with me throughout,
but when the noise of
the battle is so loud and the confusion is so great,
I can neither see nor hear You. I feel so alone.
I'm tired. I'm discouraged. I have Battle Fatigue.
I would never ask You
for a discharge. I love
being in Your service. But I humbly request a
demotion and transfer. I'll file papers or
clean latrines. Just get me
out of the
battle--please, Sir.
Your Faithful, but tired, Warrior.
To: Faithful, but tired, Soldier, Spiritual
Armed Forces
Location: The Battlefield
SUBJECT: Transfer
Dear Soldier:
Your request for transfer has been denied.
I herewith present My reasons:
You are needed
in this battle. I have selected you, and I will
keep My Word to supply your need. You do not need
a demotion and transfer.
(You'd never cut it on
latrine duty.) You need a period of "R&R" --Renewal
and Rekindling. I am setting aside a place on the
battlefield that is insulated from all sound and
fully protected from the
enemy. I will meet you
there and I will give you rest. I will remove
your old equipment and "make all things new."
You have been wounded in
the battle, My soldier.
Your wounds are not visible, but you have
received grave internal injuries. You need to be
healed. I will heal you.
You have been weakened in
the battle. You need to be strengthened.
I will strengthen you and be your strength. I will
instill in you confidence
and ability. My Words will
rekindle within you and renewed love, zeal and
enthusiasm. Report to Me tattered and empty. I will
refill you.
Your Commander-in-Chief, Jesus Christ
Have you accepted Christ?
.:Generation God:.
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.:Daily Proverb for 6-29-1:.
.:Proverbs 29:.
29:1 He, that being often reproved hardeneth his
neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that
without remedy.
29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the
people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule,
the people mourn.
29:3 Whoso loveth wisdom rejoiceth his father:
but he that keepeth company with harlots
spendeth his substance.
29:4 The king by judgment establisheth the
land: but he that receiveth gifts overthroweth it.
29:5 A man that flattereth
his neighbour spreadeth
a net for his feet.
29:6 In the transgression of an evil man there is
a snare: but the righteous doth sing and rejoice.
29:7 The righteous considereth
the cause of the
poor: but the wicked regardeth not to know it.
29:8 Scornful men bring
a city into a snare: but
wise men turn away wrath.
29:9 If a wise man contendeth with a foolish
whether he rage or laugh, there is no rest.
29:10 The bloodthirsty hate
the upright: but the
just seek his soul.
29:11 A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise
man keepeth it in till afterwards.
29:12 If a ruler hearken to lies, all
his servants
are wicked.
29:13 The poor and the deceitful man meet together:
the LORD lighteneth both their eyes.
29:14 The king that faithfully judgeth
the poor,
his throne shall be established for ever.
29:15 The rod and reproof give
wisdom: but a child
left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.
29:16 When the wicked are
multiplied, transgression
increaseth: but the righteous shall see their fall.
29:17 Correct thy
son, and he shall give thee rest;
yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul.
29:18 Where there is no vision,
the people perish:
but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
29:19 A servant will not be
corrected by words: for
though he understand he will not answer.
29:20 Seest thou a man that is
hasty in his words?
there is more hope of a fool than of him.
29:21 He that delicately bringeth
up his servant
from a child shall have him become his son at the length.
29:22 An angry
man stirreth up strife, and a furious
man aboundeth in transgression.
29:23 A man's pride shall bring him low:
but honour
shall uphold the humble in spirit.
29:24 Whoso is partner with a thief
hateth his own
soul: he heareth cursing, and bewrayeth it not.
29:25 The fear of man
bringeth a snare: but whoso
putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.
29:26 Many seek the ruler's
favour; but every man's
judgment cometh from the LORD.
29:27 An unjust man is an abomination to
the just:
and he that is upright in the way is abomination
to the wicked.
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U.N. free zone?
Conneticut mom faces murder charges
Armey exposes red light spies
Big Brother Rides Shotgun
Bin Laden fighters plan an attack on U.S.
Turkish airbase security raised
Pro-family group calls for protest over internet
A group of Colorado prarie dogs confirmed to have
bubonic plague
.:Erik Meinders':.
When I was born I was very, very young. :) I
was born to a young woman
who did not have the
skills or security to take care of me. She
to care for me for 2 and a half years
but maybe the pressure and instability
was to
great for her so she gave me up for adoption.
As I think back to
that and as I look at my own
child in that age range I wonder what went
through my mind. I don't remember but I often
think it relates to the issues
of security I
struggle with now even at the age of 27. I spent
a year
going from one foster home to another.
Finally my adoptive parents came
into the
picture. It was, from what I hear pretty
weird and God's hand
was definately in it.
At times I hear arguments of whether God
people or not. Well you make the
decision. The Child and Family people
me as an 'Indian'. This description along
with my age and the
fact that older kids who
are adopted often have a lot of 'baggage' didn't
make it any easier for me to be adopted. My
parents are wonderful people
who don't
seem to be too concerned about these things.
They loved me before
they even met me.
After I was adopted they started taking
me to church
right away. For many years
I went, as many kids, do without asking
questions. I attended the christian
school and did what was right. But
I hit the teen years and Satan used this
confusing period of time
mightily. In
grade 7, a 'friend' and I painted upside
down black crosses
on our arms as a way
to tick off the teachers. This affected
me greatly.
I began to listen to music
that glorified Satan and in a scary way
I began
to serve Satan. The next 3 months
were full of hate and condemnation and
then I started to hear voices. They started
to say that I should die so
I could be with
Satan. It was shortly after this in an
attempt to get
stoned that I took about
52 pills from around the house and and bottle
of coke. I probably would have died had
my cousin not told my parents.
I prayed
that God would spare me but I wasn't yet
ready to change. Several
weeks later I
had a dream that I entered the gates of
hell. I was in a
trance and it wasn't
until I passed the gates that a stone
figure of a
demon came to life and began
to laugh but it was too late for me to
out. I awoke very scared and I
asked to go for counseling. During
counseling I discovered that God
did care for me. I accepted that but
I'm not sure I fully understood it. I
tried for the next couple of years
be a 'good Christian' but the condemnation
even in students who went
to church was
tremendous. In grade 9 I just gave up. I
remember thinking
that I could never live
up to the rules of the church and God. I
ran from God. I drank, did drugs
and fooled around with a lot of girls.
stopped going to my parents church but I
would from time to time go
to another
church. It was in this church that slowly
I began to understand
God's grace. The youth
leaders just showed me love and had a real
in my life. They never condemned me
even if they knew I was high. During
my grade
12 year I was kicked out of school for uttering
threats and I
was kicked out of my house
because my parents didn't know what else to
I spent the next 6 months partying. by the end
of the summer I was
tired. I decided to go to
my sister's house which was a 24 hour drive away.
My car never should have made it as it was
overloaded with oil and I blew
some gaskets.
Some how I got there. During that time I did a
lot of thinking
and reassessing my life. I
realized that I didn't want to live like this.
One night I couldn't sleep so I went outside
and sat in a field just thinking.
For some
reason I soon started to talk to God. I just
started to tell
Him everything. I found
myself crying and saying that I was sick
of running.
That night I answered the door
to see Jesus who had been knocking and
knocking. I became a Christian who understood
that God won't leave me if
I screw up from
time to time. I also asked Him to keep me
from dating
any girl that wasn't a Christian.
That was hard. But soon I met Karen,
my would
be wife. It was weird. I went back to school
to finish my grade
12 and I started going
to the church where these people had accepted
without condemnation. I met Karen there.
She had come on a volunteer program
the year
before and had decided to stay. At first we
were just friends
but by Christmas we had
started to date. 4 months later we were
but didn't get married until 2 years
later. I worked during this time but
seemed that God had more in mind for me.
So I applied to some Christian
to go back to school. This was a tough
time for me. I figured
that if God accepeted
what did it matter what my past was? It
seemed to
matter for some of the schools
that I applied to. One told me that I
have to go to counselling if they
deemed it necessary and I had to quit
smoking. I didn't understand. What did
that have to do with learning more
God and trying to do His will. Thankfully
there was one school that
said that yes I
could come and they wouldn't make me quit
but they wouldn't
encourage my habit either.
"If God accepts you, Erik, who am I to be
you.", said the president. It was a
wonderful year for me and my new bride
Karen. We learned a lot about God and I
realized that God wanted me to
tell others
the story of Jesus. I attended another
school after this for
2 years. I became a
youth pastor and have been doing that for
years. About 2 years ago Karen and
began to sense that God has more in
for us as we realized that we have a desire
to plant a church. We
do need some training
before this but we are looking forward to
the challenge.
One thing I know for sure:
to reach the lost, we need to exemplify Christ.
If I had one prayer for the church it would be
that we would all accept
people where they
are at. We never know what God has in mind.
Your bro in Christ,
Behold, I[Jesus] stand at the door and knock:
if any man hear my voice,
and open the door,
I will come in to him, and will sup with him,
and he with me.
-Revelation 3:20
You can read more testimonies @
Have you accepted Christ as your Savior?
.:Lost Now Found:.
Total souls saved: 21
Praise Lord Jesus! 21 people is an awesome
accomplishment in His name!
Have you accepted Christ as your Savior?
.:Humor Me:.
.:Atheist Holiday:.
An atheist complained to a Christian friend,
"Christians have their special
such as Christmas and Easter; and Jews
celebrate their holidays,
such as Passover
and Yom Kippur; Muslims have their holidays.
EVERY religion
has its holidays. But we
atheists," he said, "have no recognized
It's an unfair discrimination."
"What do you mean, atheists have no holidays,"
his friend replied, "People have been
observing a special day in your honor
for years."
"I don't know what you're talking about," the
atheist said,
"When is this special day
honoring atheists?"
"April first."
can read more great jokes online at:
:.Jesus Christ.:
Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal
savior? Do feel like something
is missing
in your life? Do you feel like there is
no point to life, you have
nothing to live
for? Are you worried about your future?
You don't have to read horoscopes, or call
a psychic hotline to be comforted of your
future. Instead, GOD loves
you. And He
wants only the best for you. He knows
you inside and
out, even if you don't know
Him. He loves you unconditionally, no strings
are attached to His love. He loves you so
much that He died for you. He did it so
that you and I could spend
all eternity
with Him. Do you have Him as your savior?
He didn't say that we would have all the
luxuries of this world, He
did say that He
would provide for us, if only we seek Him.
Do you have this wonderful gift called
Salvation? If you don't, it's
easy to get,
just ask Him you want it. Commit your life
to Him, and He will greatly
reward you.
Will you pray?
"Lord Jesus, I admit I am a sinner. I need forgiveness.
I am sorry
for my sins and I don't want to sin against You
anymore. I believe You
are the Son of God and You died on
the cross for MY sins. I also believe
that you rose from the dead
so that I, too, may have victory over the grave.
Please forgive me
now Lord and cleanse me. Come into my heart and give
me a new
life. Thank You, Jesus, for shedding your blood for me and for
and answering my prayer. Amen"
If you've just prayed
that, you are a Child
of GOD. Think about that! A child of the
Creator of the Universe. It's a humbling
experience. If you have anything you
want to know about your new life
with Christ,
or if you're still not sure about all this,
please do not hesitate to email me.(
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