Here is the archived copy of issue eight of the C Zine.
|                              ::The C Zine::|

|                             ::Our Sponsor::|
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|                           ::In this issue::|
|                         Inspirational Story|
|                                      Quotes|
|                              Lost Now Found|
|                                 The top 10%|
|                   Washington Sumo Wrestling|
|                                    Humor Me|
|                           Verse of the Week|

                       ::Inspirational Story::
                       ::A Positive Thought:::

 If God had a refrigerator, your picture would 
be on it.

 If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.

 He sends you flowers every spring, and a 
every morning.

 Whenever you want to talk, He's there to listen.

 He could live anywhere in the universe, but 
He chose your heart.

 What about the Christmas gift He sent you in 
     Bethlehem, not to mention 
that Friday 
                                   at Calvary.

 Face it, God is CRAZY about you!!!

                      Have you accepted Jesus?

|                           ::Generation God::|
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|                              And Much More! |
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A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.   

 All I have 
seen teaches me to trust the Creator 
for all I have not seen 
-Ralph Waldo 

All of God's people are ordinary people. Who have 
been made extraordinary 
by the purpose He has given them. 
-Oswald Chambers 

A knowledge of the 
Bible without a college course is more
valuable than a college course without the Bible.
                          -Woodrow Wilson

An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of 
His children. He does 
not distribute Himself that 
each may have a part, but to each one He gives 
of Himself as fully as if there were no others. 
-A.W. Tozer 

answers knee-mail

Be not faint-hearted in misfortune. When God causes a 
tree to be Hewn down 
He takes care that His birds 
can nestle on another. 

is more than a crutch, it is a life-support system 
-Dave Busby 

to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore
than going to a garage makes you an automobile
-Billy Sunday

Every evening I turn worries over to God. He's 
going to be up all night 
-Mary C. Crowley 

Faith makes, life proves, trials confirm, and 
death crowns
the Christian

Every work of God can be traced to some kneeling form. 
-D.L. Moody 

is the daring of the soul to go farther 
than it can see. 
-William Newton 

God does not ask your ability or your inability. 
He asks only 
your availability. 
-Mary Kay Ashe 

God loves us the way we are, but too 
much to 
leave us that way. 
-Leighton Ford 

God will be present, whether 
asked or not. 
-Latin Proverb 

God will not look you over for medals, degrees 

or diplomas, but scars 
-Elbert Hubbard 

He who runs from God in the morning 
will scarcely 
find him the rest of the day. 

I am ready to meet 
my Maker. Whether my Maker is 
prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is 
another matter. 
-Sir Winston Churchill  

I believe in Christianity as 
I believe that the sun 
has risen, not only because I see it, but because 

by it I see everything else.
-C.S. Lewis

I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever 
given to man. All the 
good from the Savior (Jesus) 
of the world is communicated to us through 
this book. 
-Abraham Lincoln 

If I didn't have spiritual faith, I would 
be a 
pessimist. But I'm an optimist. I've read the 
last page of the Bible. 
It's all going to turn 
out all right. 
-Billy Graham 

I have been driven 
many times to my knees by 
the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere 
else to go. 
-Abraham Lincoln

I have so much to do today that I shall spend the 
first three hours in 
-Martin Luther 

I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. 
 just wish he didn't trust me so much. 
-Mother Teresa

Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm 
reliance, are still 
competent to adjust, in the best 
way, all our present difficulty. 

No man is uneducated who knows the Bible, and no one 
is wise who is ignorant 
of its teachings. 
-Samuel Chadwick 

Only when we have knelt before God 
can we 
stand before men. 

The reason that Christianity is the 
friend of Government is because Christianity 
is the only religion 
that changes the heart. 
-President Thomas Jefferson 
True prayer always 
receives what it asks for 
- or something better. 
-Bryon Edwards 

We trust, 
sir, that God is on our side. It is 
more important to know that we are 
on God's side. 
-Abraham Lincoln 

You cannot escape Christ, do what You 
You reject His divinity, but, so doing, 
you have not evaded Him. 
If He is a man just 
like us, then obviously you must be a man like Him. 

-A. J. Gossip

                            ::Lost Now Found::
                          Total souls saved: 11
  Another person!  Awesome!

  Have you accepted Christ as your Savior?

|                             ::Our Sponsor::|
|                       God answers knee-mail|
|                                    -Unknown|
|           Maybe not as good as knee-mail,  |
|                     But better than email! |
|                                            |
|       G Mail, get 6 huge megs of pure email|
|                                 freedom!   |
|              |

Hits In         Site Name                  Url
172  Charlottes Web 
148  Heavenly Angels
131  Generation God
123  Deliverance Ministries
63   E-Mail Ministry

Note: these were the stats as of exactly 8:40am
   Mountain Time(2-23-01).

To add your site to the top50 goto:

                 ::Washington Sumo Wrestling::
  A socialist government?

Dear Comrades Clinton, Gore, Kennedy, McCain, 
Feinstein and Leahy, etc.:

As I watch you from beyond the grave I must say 
that I am happy beyond 
expression, due to the 
success of my goals and life work that I labored 

so hard to accomplish on my native soil of Mother 
Russia. It is comforting 
to know that the ideals 
of socialism and communism are alive and well around 

the world despite the evil efforts of your despicable 
Ronald Reagan. Thanks 
to the hard work of dear 
Comrades such as the Honorable Mr. Clinton, even 

in America, the stronghold of evil capitalism, these 
ideals are being embraced 
by the masses, disguised by 
your liberal media, which we all know is meant 
to be 
nothing more than a propaganda arm of the state! The 
recent series 
of events that took place in your state 
of Florida, where you nearly took 
power by the recount, 
recount, recount, recount, etc. of votes was very 
sloppy but clever. I must admit, you made me very proud!

As I have watched events develop in your country, 
I must admit that I am 
most impressed with what you 
call the Liberal Left! It is wonderful to 
see such a 
clever disguise put to use, for I assume that is what 
it is, 
to cover the socialist movement in your country.
You know, if you read the "Communist Manifesto", that 
wonderful document 
written by our comrades and patriots 
Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels in 1848, 
it is beautiful to
 see the similarities (at least 17!)between your Liberal 
Left and the glorious 
revolution in Mother Russia! For lack 
of time and space I will merely list 
them with occasional 
comments and quotes from the Manifesto.

1. The Instigation of Class Warfare.

"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history 
of class struggles"--The 
Communist Manifesto, 1848

After the campaign, for your country to elect a president, 
(which Comrade 
Gore you have my condolences in your loss! 
Never fear, at the rate your 
country is going, one day all 
those pesky inconveniences of that silly 
Constitution will 
be removed, trust me!) your nation was left fractured 
divided as never before, thanks to your pitting the rich 
against the 
poor, the black against the white and the men a
gainst the woman. We called it the bourgeoisie (rich) vs. 
the proletariat 
(poor). It is the classic ploy of the communist 
party, played with incredible 
skill by the politicians of the 
Liberal Left.

2. Restraints on Free Trade.

"It (the burgeoisie--rich ruling class--aka people who succeed 
in life) 
has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and 
in place of the numberless 
indefeasible chartered freedoms, 
has set up that single, unconscionable 
freedom--free trade. 
In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious 
and political 
illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct brutal 

exploitation." The Communist Manifesto, 1848.

As I read this I thought about your puppet Janet Reno and her 
(or is it 
yours Mr. Clinton, I never did quite figure that out!)
liberal justice department, and their attacks on free trade. For 
look at the intense attacks on Bill Gates and Microsoft, 
that effectively 
brought down the stock market, and played a part 
in the Clinton Recession. 
Keep up the good work, soon your country 
will also be ready for a glorious 

3. The Promotion of Worker's Unions

"Thereupon, the workers begin to form combinations (trade unions) 
the burgeois...The real fruit of their battles lie not in 
the immediate 
result, but in the ever expanding union of workers." 
The Communist Manifest, 

Working men of the world unite! This was our battle cry, with we 
we took control of Mother Russia. Your unions, are the best 
way to promote 
our ideals, so don't ignore them, you must have their 
vote! Never forget 

4. Elimination of Private Property

"In this sense, the theory of communism may be summed up in the 
sentence: Abolition of Private Property" The Communist 
Manifesto, 1848

Your mentality of taxes is the correct means of fulfilling this 
grand goal 
of eliminating the evil capitalists. Every time you say 
"Tax cuts will 
cost the state...I mean the many dollars" 
you promote this 
thought that all property and income belongs to the 
state who then passes 
it on to the people! Thus you move closer to 
the elimination of selfish 
private property and the high ideals of socialism!

5. Women's Equal rights movements.

"But you Communists would introduce communities of women...the 
sees his wife a mere instrument of production..the 
real point aimed at 
is to do away with the status of women as 
mere instruments of production...what 
the Communists might possibly 
be reproached with is that they desire to 
introduce, in substitution 
for hypocritically concealed, an openly legalized 
system of free love." 
The Communist Manifesto, 1848

What your women's equal rights movements don't realize, because 
they never 
take time to read this beautiful document, is that 
"liberating" them (taking 
them out of the home) was a 
necessary means of promoting "free love", thus 
eliminating the 
sanctity of wedding vows, and decimating the moral rules, 
of you 
prudish capitalists!

6. Absence of Patriotism

"The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish 
and nationality" The Communist Manifesto, 1848

I love to see you burn your flag, it merely means that people are 
respect for your country. It is funny that your own Supreme 
Court believes 
that it is OK. Now you know why we eliminate free 
speech, and why we LOVE 
your judicial system!

7. Distrust and Dislike of Religion

"The charges against communism from a religious, a philosophical 
and generally, 
from an ideological standpoint, are not deserving 
of serious examination." 
The Communist Manifesto, 1848

"Religion is the opium of the people." It is us that made, "Separation 

of church and state" official, while you merely talk of it. Although 
must admit, you are finally doing better. You may yet be able to 
get rid 
of the radical religious prudes that wish to keep you tied 
to some religious 
moral code. Comrade Clinton has done well in 
shedding those ties! 

Redistribution of wealth

"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by 
all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all 
instruments of production 
in the hands of the state, i.e., of 
the proletariat organized as the working 
 The Communist Manifesto, 1848.

9. - 17

These are 10 items that Comrade Marx said would be 
pretty generally applicable, 
in most advanced countries 
(socialist). All 10 either apply to your country 
or you are 
headed there! One we have already mentioned. I put the quote 
and a 
brief not of how you have achieved it or are headed that way:

1. "Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of 
to public purposes." (This is government seizure of property, 
such as Comrade 
Clinton did with over 60 million acres before leaving 

2. "A heavy progressive or graduated income tax."

3. "Abolition of all rights of inheritance" (Your Death Tax is a 
good way 
to start this, if you tax 50% it will be easier to get 
the other 50%!)

4. "Confiscation of property of all emigrants and rebels." 
(Your IRS has 
been used as a wonderful tool to accomplish this; 
if someone disagrees, 
audit them and take away everything they 
own! Brilliant!)

5. "Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means 
of a national 
bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly."
 (Your FDIC seems to fit this role nicely.)

6. "Centralization of the means of communication and transport 
in the hands 
of the state." (Your Departments of Communication 
and Transportation are 
headed in this direction. Also your 
Senators McCain and Feingold are really 
doing their best to 
promote this control of Communications with their socialistic 

ideas of campaign reform.)

7. "...the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the 
of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan." 
(While the need 
to cultivate and improve the environment, the common 
plan--run by government 
of course--controls the way people can live 
their lives and what people 
can do on their own evil private property. 
Your EPA handles this job very 

8. "Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial 
especially for agriculture." (I have already mentioned this 

9. "Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; 
gradual abolition 
of al the distinction between town and country 
by a more equable distribution 
of the populace over the country" 
(While you lack a long way to go on this 
one, individual cities 
like Atlanta are not far from it. But, hey, 9 out 
of 10 is not too bad!)

10. "Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition 
of children's 
factory labor in its present form. Combination of 
education with industrial 
production, etc.? (While elimination of 
child labor makes common sense, 
public education, to the exclusion 
of private education and home education, 
is brilliant, that is how 
we control a nation for generations. That is 
why I love your educational 
system. It is an effective ar m of the state, 
and I love that!)

Well, I have been somewhat long winded. I'm sorry I took up so much of 

your time. But on behalf of myself and my Comrades (such as Lenin, 
Engels and others) We just wanted to say Congratulations on a 
job well 
done; and thank you for not letting our dreams die with us. 
Who knows, 
if your people do not wake up or become attuned to these 
changes, and if 
things keep heading in this direction, maybe one day 
we will see the red 
flag with the hammer and sickle flying in Washington 
D.C. from your capitol!

Josef Stalin

  This article was by the Radical Religious Right:

                                  ::Humor Me::
                            Dog Letters to God
Dear God,
How come people love to smell flowers, but seldom, 
if ever, smell one another? 
Where are their priorities?

Dear God,
When we get to Heaven, can we sit on your couch? 
Or is it the same old 

Dear God,
Excuse me, but why are there cars named after the 
jaguar, the cougar, the 
mustang, the colt, the 
stingray, and the rabbit, but not one named for 
dog? How often do you see a cougar riding around? 
We dogs love a nice 
ride! I know every breed cannot 
have its own model, but it would be easy 
to rename 
the Chrysler Eagle the Chrysler Beagle!

Dear God,
If a dog barks his head off in the forest and no 
human hears him, is he 
still a bad dog?

Dear God,
When my foster mom's friend comes over to our house, 
he smells like musk! 
What's he been rolling around in?

Dear God,
Is it true that in Heaven, dining room tables have 

Dear God,
More meatballs, less spaghetti, please.

Dear God,
When we get to the Pearly Gates, do we have to 
shake hands to get in?

Dear God,
We dogs can understand human verbal instructions, 
hand signals, whistles, 
horns, clickers, beepers, 
scent IDs, electromagnetic energy fields, and 
flight paths. What do humans understand?

Dear God,
Are there dogs on other planets, or are we alone? I 
have been howling at 
the moon and stars for a long 
time, but all I ever hear back is the beagle 
the street.

Dear God, 
Are there mailmen in Heaven? If there are, will I 
have to apologize?

Dear God,
Is it true that dogs are not allowed in restaurants 
because we can't make 
up our minds what NOT to order? 
Or is it the carpets again?

Dear God,
When my family eats dinner they always bless their food. 
But they never 
bless mine. So, I've been wagging my tail 
extra fast when they fill my 
bowl. Have you noticed my own blessing?

Dear God,
I've always lived at the shelter and I have everything I 
need. But many 
of the cats here have names and I don't. 
Could you give me a name please? 
It would be good for my self-esteem.

Dear God,
The new terrier I live with just peed on the Oriental 
rug and I have a 
feeling my family might blame me 'cuz 
they think I'm jealous of this stupid 
dog. Since they 
have no sense of smell, how can I convince them I'm 
Does PetsMart sell lie detectors?

  You can read more great jokes online at:

                         ::Verse of the Week::
Many, O LORD my GOD, are the wonders you have done. 
The things you planned 
for us no one can recount to 
you; were I to speak and tell of them, they 
would be 
too many to declare.
-Psalms 40:5

Add the free daily Bible verse to your site!

                              ::Jesus Christ::
  Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal 
  savior?  Do feel like something 

is missing
  in your life?  Do you feel like there is 
  no point to life, you have 

nothing to live
  for?  Are you worried about your future?
  You don't have to read horoscopes, or call
  a psychic hotline to be comforted of your 
  future.  Instead, GOD loves 

you.  And He 
  wants only the best for you.  He knows 
  you inside and 

out, even if you don't know
  Him.  He loves you unconditionally, no strings
  are attached to His love.  He loves you so
  much that He died for you.  He did it so 
  that you and I could spend 

all eternity
  with Him. Do you have Him as your savior?
  He didn't say that we would have all the 
  luxuries of this world, He 

did say that He 
  would provide for us, if only we seek Him.
  Do you have this wonderful gift called 
  Salvation?  If you don't, it's 

easy to get,
  just ask Him you want it.  Commit your life 
  to Him, and He will greatly 

reward you.
      Will you pray?

"Lord Jesus, I admit I am a sinner. I need forgiveness. 
    I am sorry 
for my sins and I don't want to sin against You 
  anymore. I believe You 
are the Son of God and You died on 
the cross for MY sins. I also believe 
that you rose from the dead 
so that I, too, may have victory over the grave. 
Please forgive me 
now Lord and cleanse me. Come into my heart and give 
me a new 
life. Thank You, Jesus, for shedding your blood for me and for 
                  and answering my prayer. Amen" 

  If you've 

just prayed that, you are a Child
  of GOD.  Think about that!  A child of the
  Creator of the Universe.  It's a humbling
  experience.  If you have anything you 
  want to know about your new life 

with Christ,
  or if you're still not sure about all this,
  please do not hesitate to email me,

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