In a Mother's Eyes
( The Birth of a True Hero )

Robert J. Miller
© copyright 2000 Robert J. Miller
(used by permission)

It was a dark, cold evening. The road was long and difficult. I had ridden on the donkey's back for most of the day, because my time was near. As I rode, my thoughts wandered back to that night of the announcement. I had gone to my favorite place to be alone. Suddenly, I was no longer alone, but a glowing man stood there with me. He told me not to be afraid, but that the Holy Spirit would overshadow me, and I would become pregnant with the Son of God. What frightening news! What a tremendous responsibility it would be to see to the safety of the Messiah as well as His upbringing.
The donkey stumbled on a small rock and Joseph reached up to steady me. I snapped back to the present and looked around. The trail was wider now and we seemed to be approaching a town. I prayed: "Oh, God please let this be our destination." As I looked around I noticed that the sky had brightened, promising a beautiful, clear night ahead. I was tired and ready for some rest.
As we rounded a bend in the trail, the town came into view. It was not a big town, but it seemed to be teeming with people. Donkeys, camels and a few mules were tethered everywhere. Very soon we arrived at the door of the inn. Joseph helped me down from the donkey's back and went to the door of the inn. He pounded until a tired looking man opened the door. I saw Joseph making pleading motions with his hands and then the innkeeper shrugged and wagged his head. I couldn't hear their words until the inn keeper practically shouted "no room! The inn is full! Go away!" A woman who I later learned to be the innkeeper's wife appeared behind the man and looked at me curiously. Suddenly, her eyes widened and she plucked frantically at her husband's sleeve. He turned and she berated him for turning us away. The innkeeper shrugged his shoulders wearily and spoke to Joseph again. Joseph turned and came back to me while the man stood in the doorway with his hands on his hips. Joseph told me that we would be staying in the stable with the animals. The innkeeper then led us around to the rear of the inn and showed us where we could stay. I was so tired that I didn't care where we stayed. I wanted to lie down and rest. I never thought that I would be glad for a bed on a stable, but I didn't care. My womb had started to contract and I knew that my time was near. If the Son of God had to be born in a stable, then that's how He had planned it. Jesus. I rolled the name over and over in my mind. That's who He would be. Jesus, the son of God. Immanuel, God with us.
Later that night, it happened. My son - and God's Son was born. The sky had become very bright. Soon afterward I heard a commotion in the inn's courtyard and suddenly some shepherds burst in. After them the innkeeper and his wife hurried in. They all stood agape at the child in my arms. Ith innkeeper went to the back of the stable and returned with a small manger filled with clean, fresh hay. I laid the baby in it and all gathered around and stared at Him worshipfully. I remembered all of the events leading up to this time - the announcement, the trip to my cousin's home, the pregnancy with its discomfort, the long trip to be taxed -- and found that it was worth every bit of it.

That's a true story! That may have been what Mary was thinking that night. Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior?
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